In general, the best place to start is the (1) Jump Start kit + and if you want extra liver support (if you’re dealing with gallstones, liver flukes, high liver enzymes, extended belly, right or left side pinching, fat digesting issues, anger, rage, irritability, varicose, veins, dark urine, gas and bloating, hives, itchy skin, rashes or blood sugar ups and downs) consider adding
(2 optional) the Liver Support Kit for opening bile ducts and encouraging healthy bile flow. In general, you can ease into implementing the liver support kit along with the jump start kit, about 7-14 days after starting the jump start kit.
30 days of 1 or both of these for opening drainage before the (3) Para Kit, parasite cleanse kit. Here is the code you'll need to register on Cellcore for free AQWXV4Cs. All kits come with dosing instructions.
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Not registered? Register for free below. Practitioner code AQWXV4Cs