Here are my complimentary guides to help offer added support, confidence and clarity on your journey for the entire family including your four legged children.
Drainage Opening & Parasite Cleansing guide

Need a solid starting place for supporting the foundationals, opening drainage pathways and offloading any infection, including parasites, mold, Lyme, viruses, etc.. that yields short term and long term results? Then this is the guide for you!
Coffee Enema & Breaking the Dam guide

If you are truly serious about transforming your health in dramatic ways, implementing coffee enemas into your regular wellness routine can offer life-changing results you have always desired. Here's my step by step guide and my famous "breaking the dam" technique that offers a lot of liver, gallbladder and colon relief and healing.
Castor Oil Pack guide

A castor oil pack is one of the OLDEST, most widespread healing rituals in the world and best-kept secret known only to a privileged few. From Indian Ayurveda to Traditional Chinese Medicine to Naturopathic Medicine, Grab my guide to learn the easy steps.
Clean Air and Clean Water guide

One of the most overlooked contributors to our health is contaminates in our air and water. Particulates in the air we breath and the water we drink, can be slow (or fast) poisons for us and our pets and tend to get overlooked. I cover the WHY behind air and water quality and offer you my top considerations and strategies for everyone including budget friendly options.
Dog Foundationals guide

Foundationals are just as important for our pets as they are for us. And pets are being diagnosed with the same human diseases as we are at an alarming rate. I walk you through the foundationals, including how to easily transition off of processed kibble and effortlessly offer real food. I also include my top canine supplements for rebuilding, repairing and healing.
Cat Foundationals guide

Foundationals are just as important for our pets as they are for us. And pets are being diagnosed with the same human diseases as we are at an alarming rate. I walk you through cat foundationals, including how to easily transition off of processed kibble and effortlessly offer real food. to your cat.
Perfect Supplements Favorites & Indication guide

Learn about one of my favorite foundational supplements for rebuilding and repairing nutrients such as beef liver, multi-organ capsules, acerola vitamin since we as humans don't make or store Vitamin C, we must get it from outside sources.
Equip Favorites & Indication guide

Grab my indications guide for my favorite colostrum and protein powder and more. Equip's protein powder is the safest, cleanest protein powder for building muscle and shedding fat. Their colostrum is a powerhouse to help enhance your immune response.
Paleovalley Favorites & Indication guide

Looking for some healthy delicous snacks?! Paleovalley's beef and pork sticks are my go-to's for around the house, and especially travel, as well as their electrolytes. organ complex, fish roe and essential C. In this download you'll learn my favorites and how I use each.
Gift guide
Looking for quality mindful gifts? Here are my favorites for gifting and receiving. Most of these you will will find in my home or on my wish list.