I offer you the tools to gain the skills, confidence and knowledge to support your entire family, in my self-paced master course you can implement at home. My course is a step by step blueprint on how to anchor the foundationals, ensure you are draining properly as well as easing into detoxification including parasite cleansing and ways to lower your risk of infection. Includes education, instruction, dosing, downloadable pdf's and handouts. Options for those who cannot swallow pills, those who are sensitive, prone to MCAS and for children. This is a roadmap to health, all in one place with lifetime access. In this course, learn: - Foundationals - Gentle drainage opening for children, teens and adults - Introducing and assessing supplements - Biofilm targeting strategies - Easing into parasite cleansing for children, teens and adults - Candida and heavy metals support, foods and cleanse - Mitigating histamine, MCAS and herx reactions - Optimal foods for drainage and detox - Parasites and the emotional connection - Dosing guidelines and charts - Parasite exposure, risk, attraction - Parasite symptoms - Parasite pictures - Why the full moon - Parasite cleansing - Parasite ID guide - Antiparasitics - Learn where parasites live in the body - How to test for parasites - No gallbladder cholecystectomy support - Trouble shooting / on-going support to lower your risk of further infection - Many more behind the scenes clinical pearls for you and your family
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app